Sunday, 11 May 2014

Evaluation: Question 2

2. How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

I am really pleased with the outcome of my 3 finished products, especially the 'Empire' magazine cover, as I feel it imitates that of a real 'Empire' magazine really well.
The combination of my main and ancillary text was very effective as the combination of more than one product increased the want to watch a finished film product. They had a synergy, in which they worked together to increase a desire for the product, separate they were effective, but put together, they were even more so.
I feel that this is because each one sparked a slight amount of interest, and created an air of mystery around the product, the poster got you thinking 'why is he reaching out like that and why isn't she responding to it?', the magazine cover made you think 'the film must be good if 'Empire' is featuring it on it's front page' and the articles inside describe the film a little more. Finally the trailer gave you a larger insight into the film, and helped the audience decide whether or not they wanted to see it.
The ambiguity of my film was reinforced through all 3 products and as they don't give everything away they are left asking questions, and to get the answer to those questions they must watch the film. I feel the products worked together because they each give a little taster for what is to come.
The use of the pictures in both let you see who was involved in the project, and if you like the actors then you are more likely to want to go and see the film.
The continuity of the picture of Abby in the red dress instantly made this a sort of trademark for the film, and it creates synergy by using both the same actor, and the same costume and hair, on both the poster and the magazine cover. The fact that the actors used on the poster are also the same used in the trailer keeps up the continuity of the pieces, as it isn't disjointed, i.e. I haven't filmed the trailer with one person, then decided to change that person for the ancillary texts.
The colour scheme also created cohesion, as there was red used for the line, dress and writing of 'coming soon' and the website on the poster, and red used for the masthead and dress on the magazine cover. However, red wasn't a big colour on the trailer, except for the red of the website, written very small on the credits slide, but the title 'Heaven & Earth', which is written in the same font and colour on both the poster and trailer, created cohesion between these two products. And the use of the title 'Heaven & Earth' on the magazine cover, although it wasn't written in the same style, created synergy, as it still used the name of the film, which kept the name in the audiences' heads, promoting the film through repetition.
Displaying Coming soon credits.jpgDisplaying Heaven & Earth.jpg
My credits slide                                                                       My title slide
In my trailer, continuity with these slides was kept by the use of a clean font, and a clean white background.

Another way in which the trailer and poster were combined is the mentioning of the film website, something which I haven't actually created, but that if it had been, would definitely have worked well in the synergy of the products thanks to the mentioning of it in the trailer and poster.
The use of block credits in the trailer and poster combines the two together, although not so effectively as things I have mentioned earlier.
My finished magazine cover                  My finished poster

Another element which combines the products together is the use of background. The plain white background which I have used for the title slide and credits slide is the same as the background which I have used for the poster, and the city background used in the magazine links with the trailer for setting. The fact that there is more greenery in the magazine cover helps in this sense, as there is more greenery than buildings, that is, the outside of buildings, (as there were many rooms filmed) in the trailer. Perhaps it could have been more effective to have a background of the lift for the magazine cover, as that is a large part of the trailer. However, I don't think it would have looked as good, and the city scene works well with the magazine as it is a nice tranquil picture, which suits the RomCom theme.
Overall, I feel that my three products have great synergy, and work together to promote the film very well.

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