Tuesday, 3 December 2013


The names of my 2 main characters require a bit of thought, as the names not only have to suit the character but the face of the actor. I would also like them to be short, or at least names which can be shortened.

The boys name should be something angelic, what with him being an angel. Here are some names I like:
- Nathaniel - Means 'Given of God'
- Eric - Means 'Ruler' or 'Prince'
- James - 'The one who follows'
- Brendan - Means 'Prince'
- Sebastian - Means 'Revered'
- Daniel - Means 'God is my judge'
- Luke - Means 'Light'
- Oliver - Means 'Affectionate'
- Sam - Means 'God has heard'
- Andrew - Means 'Warrior'

Nathaniel is my chosen name; it can be shortened to Nate if needed and it's not a particularly popular name, which, being an angel's name, I don't think the name should be common.

The girls name should be pretty sounding but strong. As she's essentially just a normal person I have quite a bit of freedom with this name. Names I like:
- Amani - Means 'Desires'
- Effie - Means 'Well-spoken'
- Cara - Means 'Dearest'
- Sara - Means 'Princess'
- Eva - Means 'Life'
- Sienna - Means 'Reddish orange-brown'
- Ruby - Means 'Ruby'
- Abby - Means 'Father's joy'
- Olivia - Means 'Olive'
- Emily - Means 'Hard-working'

Eva is my chosen name; it sounds pretty and I like the irony that the name means life but she dies at the beginning (she comes back to life too).

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